Another night out, the last one in Montréal, next one will be on the plane going back home. It was a really cool evening at House of Jazz (used to be Biddle's in the 90's) with Coco Thompson and her trio, quite cool and a lot of well interpreted classics...
Blue sky, white landscape, long roads. A day in the countryside following the steps of the gran'pa, crossing small town founded in the early 1800's close to the apalaches'... And ho, the canon av1 took a bath in 30cm of snow after falling of my pocket but still work, love it! Experienced some diode light trouble with the M6, actually it don't like being at -20...
Xmas day in the family camp in the woods outside St-Narcisse was a blast! Quality time, snow all day, skidoo, walks in the wood, christmas with a big C as in celebrate !
damn it was a long day...Stayed 6hours at the airport because of delayed flight, arrived in Montréal so tired i took someone's suitcase and went home. ha! first time! anyway, now got my stuff back and enjoyed a very cool evening with friends and very kind people at my father's home, now off, just need some rest.