vendredi 8 mars 2013

Bootie cooler.

Here's one of my favorite shot from 3 years ago, seems perfect to me to celebrate the International Women's Day as it represent an overwhelming sensuality and a feeling of freedom to me. Summer bliss always suited you well ladies, always.(Canon AV1)

After a few conversations with likes and dislikes about this post, I wanted to express a quick something as I wont get into huge battle and long conversations about Women's right.
My vision of women is on daily bases, not only a day a year, I dont see women as object, I do treat them as equal and and even more since I was born, thanks to my Mom and all the womens in my life those who raised me and those who loved and hated me. If you know me you know what my opinion on all this, and I wont go "internet battling" on all that.
After suffering of racism and other fucking stupid issues like this, I know how about rights, equality, differents opinions and open minds. I dont have many truths or solutions, I just have my truth and my solutions and trying to share it my way. This pic means something powerful to me, but thats my only personal view, I'll get you wont embrace it. I'm actually glad it leads to some discussions. I wont fight for a day, I'm just doing it as an everyday thang as a human being.

2 commentaires:

  1. Yours is a stunningly beautiful photograph, unfortunately it has nothing to do with the International Women's Day.
    This day is about the fight for women's rights across the world; the right to not live in violence, to participate in society and political life, to earn equal pay and to be treated as full members of society and not as secondary citizens and slaves.
    This day is NOT about another celebration of the woman's body as a faceless physical objet of admiration or desire. The other 364 days of the year are well spent at that.
    Although ladies sure love summer bliss, it cannot hide the harsh reality of social injustice and atrocities that women still suffer around the world in 2013.

    I'm sure you have wonderful pictures of strong women you have met in your archives. I'm disappointed you didn't choose these women and their stories to celebrate this important day.

    "Féministes tant qu'il le faudra" <3

    ps! LOVE your blog!

    1. Je ne suis pas feministe, ni un combattant pour telle ou telle cause et j exprime les choses a ma maniere, que cela convienne ou pas.
      Je trouve ces femmes belles, fortes et libres, c est ma maniere de les celebrer, il n etait pas question ici de parler des droits.
      Merci d apprecier mes photos et mon blog anyway, dommage pour l anonymat.
